Retreat Programs

Duty to Heal

Rachel’s Vineyardand Grief to Gracehave brought healing and a long-absent joy to so many burdened by the trauma and grief of abortion and abuse.  The third retreat of the LSI family, Duty to Heal – finding peace for a soldier’s heart, with the help of God, will do the same for those in uniform– our fellow Americans who serve across the globe in our military as well as our first responders here in the US, who face on our behalf suffering and violence that no person should have to face. Whether it be the sudden violence of the firefight, the IED, the loss of the one next to you, the explosion, the assault at school or work, the hostage, the fire, the natural disaster, the violence you yourself had to do to remove those you protected from harm’s way…….

We have all been hearing about the long-term effects which so often linger in the soldier and the first responder, often with tragic outcomes for them and those they love. With God’s help, we wish to be a part of their return to flourishing, to an abundant life.

Duty to Heal is now in the process of dress rehearsals, with final testing and tweaking in preparation for an anticipated 2019 start-up. We think there will be a great demand, and we know that we will need to be ready.

Grief to Grace

Since 2005, Grief to Grace has helped those who have experienced abuse to find reconciliation and healing.Centered on Jesus Christ, our week-long retreat approach combines a comprehensive understanding of medical and psychological principles with professional excellence and compassion.

“For me the retreat was an experience of grace as palpable and as powerful as my ordination . . . The healing was immense, the joy is so wonderful.”

— A survivor of clergy abuse who became a priest

Grief to Grace is a Catholic program open to people of all faith. Learn more by checking out the official website here.

Rachel’s Vineyard

Rachel’s Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites around the world. Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life

The program is an opportunity to examine your abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has impacted you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings that many individuals struggle with after abortion. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma.

Married couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings of aborted children, as well as persons who have been involved in the abortion industry have come to Rachel’s Vineyard in search of peace and inner healing. The weekend is a lot of work but yields a fruitful harvest for all who are willing to labor there. To learn more, please read about our weekend retreats. Also, please see comments from people who have attended the weekends, as well as our explanation of the name “Rachel’s Vineyard.

Click here to explore the official website of Rachel’s Vineyard