Listen to some of our interviews below, read a few articles, or hear what people are saying about our retreats!
What People are Saying
I almost didn't come on the retreat because I don't have childhood or sexual trauma. But I had 20 years of trauma from a narcissistic abusive first marriage. I didn't realize the full extent of the pain I was carrying, and how it was negatively affecting me. Through the retreat I received powerful healing from the false guilt of being responsible for everyone else's happiness. I'm now free from the heavy burden of guilt of over-responsibility for the decisions of others. What a difference in my life! If you're on the fence, go on the retreat. I can't recommend it highly enough. It will be life-changing!
Dave, a Grief to Grace Retreat Participant
I am astonished at the progress that can be made in a few short days. The time spent during this retreat showed me a true vision of God's grace and love. I valued how safe the environment felt; no pressure to share or feelings of being judged. The retreat was much more experiential than I anticipated. Connecting with other people who "get it deeply" felt gratifying. Being with others with similar experiences was very therapeutic. It was non-threatening, healing, and overall, an amazing week.
Duty to Heal Retreat Participant
I am post abortive two times and was affected, as all women are, with deep wounds that haunted me for years. It took 19 years to find my way to Rachel's Vineyard ... through those years, I experienced classic after-effects of abortion: crying, rage, anger, guilt, self-hatred, anxiety attacks, low self-esteem, flashbacks, inability to forgive myself, and intense grief. Most of these I tried to keep hidden, or so I thought, but after years of trying to hide, these emotions would eventually rear their ugly head - and so often to those I loved the most. When I went to Rachel's Vineyard, I found the love and compassion of Christ in every person there (both the team members and participants). I never experienced such unconditional love. That weekend was truly the start of a new life, which was filled with ups and downs, only now there was always light and hope. I was no longer alone. Rachel's Vineyard changed my life.
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Participant
Witnessing the broad range of emotions from the retreat participants, from self-condemnation to a new life in Christ, in one short weekend was a treasure to behold. When the retreatants arrived on Friday, they were weighed down with anger, fear, exhaustion, self-loathing, and shame. By Sunday, the Holy Trinity's presence at the retreat transformed these feelings into joy, trust, faith, hope, and love. A resurrection it was, a miracle right before our eyes!
A Rachel's Vineyard New Team Member